
Florida Treatment Services : methadone clinics in Florida

Florida Treatment Services - methadone clinics in Florida

The first step towards recovery for an individual suffering from addiction is to make the decision to get help and get better. Once you have decided to get addiction treatment, the next step is to find reliable methadone clinics in Florida and get enrolled in a treatment program at the earliest opportunity.

What is Methadone Treatment?

Methadone is a medication that is highly used for treating addiction to opioids and opiates. Typically used as a part of a comprehensive Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT), methadone has become the go-to treatment option for most rehabilitation and addiction centers. However, it is not without its own set of flaws, making it a highly controversial treatment option. Methadone is a relatively safe treatment option if prescribed and administered under highly supervised and controlled conditions, but it can be highly addictive if misused. That is why enrolling in methadone clinics in Florida is one of the safest and most reliable ways to get into a methadone treatment program.

How does It work?

Methadone is a medication that has a slow onset of action. This means that methadone will gradually build up in your system, producing stable levels of itself in the brain. Due to this, people who use this medication cannot receive the euphoric effects of other drugs like heroin. Instead, these ‘highs’ are highly suppressed and dampened. Therefore, methadone can satiate a craving without euphoric effects, reducing their desire to use opioids.

How to Get into a Treatment Program at Methadone Clinics in Florida?

The first step is to visit a reliable methadone clinic like Florida Treatment Services. Once you have filled out the initial forms, you will be thoroughly screened while you describe your addiction problems to a counselor or a medical practitioner. You will also need to provide them with a complete medical history and may need to submit to a drug test. Once they have verified and examined you, the medical staff will inform you about the treatment programs available. Some methadone clinics in Florida also offer tailor-made treatment programs to ensure maximum effect.

Since clinics like Florida Treatment Services offer treatment options in inpatient and outpatient settings, you can either become an in-house patient or visit the clinic regularly for your methadone doses. Typically, methadone is administered orally in highly specified doses for a minimum of 12 months. However, some patients may need a more extended treatment option.

Once you have spent considerable time as an in-house patient, some clinics allow you to take the doses home. However, this only happens if you can show progress and a tendency to stick to the regimen. Although, you may need to submit to random blood or urine tests to discourage misuse.

Another vital part of an addiction treatment program is counseling. With the correct type of counseling, methadone clinics in Florida can help you deal with stress and pair it with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to find the root cause of your addiction. By doing so, you can significantly reduce the chance of relapsing.

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